The Global Elites Are Normalizing Pedophilia

Trend Krafts
Trend Krafts
11 Aug 2022

Governments across the world operating under the control of the World Economic Forum are waging war on our children Klaus Schwab s Young Global Leaders are systematically attempting to normalize pedophilia and decriminalize sex with children across the world It s happening right before our very eyes and the mainstream media are complicit in their silence This week in Jacinda Ardern s far-left New Zealand a judge declared that 12-year-old children can consent to sex with adults No need to hit rewind You heard me correctly The case in question featured a 45-year-old man whose defense centered on the claim that his 12-year-old victim wanted it According to the middle-aged man the 12-year-old girl pressured him for sex In the final days of the trial Judge Earwaker addressed the issue of consent for a person under 16 years But as for sexual intercourse a person under 16 can give consent You need to consider whether or not the consent was given based on the evidence you have On Monday Judge Earwaker closed the trial urging the jury to stay utterly dispassionate when judging whether the Crown prosecution had proved its case or not Keep in mind we are talking about a man who confessed to having sex with a 12-year-old and justified it on the grounds she wanted it It is not enough for the Crown to persuade you that he is most likely guilty it needs to be beyond a reasonable doubt Scary times in New Zealand But are you surprised We are talking about a far-left authoritarian state led by Young Global Leader Jacinda Ardern where citizens are being told to put their total trust in government New Zealand has fallen But they are not the only ones Emmanuel Macron was re-elected as president of France earlier this year in an election widely regarded as suspect It s perhaps no surprise that he is also one of Klaus Schwab s Young Global Leaders and France is also normalizing pedophilia President Macron s government voted against having an age of consent in France in 2018 becoming one of the first nations to give in to pressure from an international cabal determined to decriminalize sex with children across the world This means federal law in France has no legal age of consent and adults who have sex with children of any age will not be prosecuted for rape if the child victim is unable to prove violence threat duress or surprise The draft bill against sexual and gender-based violence was signed into law by the French Parliament on 3 August sparking outrage in France as parents and children s rights groups accused Macron s government of betraying the nation s children The lack of an age of consent places millions of children in serious danger of sexual abuse in France according to child protection officials Like Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand Macron is one of Klaus Schwab s Young Global Leaders They are all hell-bent on waging war against our children Love him or loathe him Russian President Vladimir Putin warned us years ago that the global elite plan to normalize pedophilia in the West According to Putin the global elite engage in Satan worship Do as thou wilt is their motto It appears he was correct I said earlier that the mainstream media is complicit in its silence More interested in promoting Big Pharma products and acting as the PR Department of the Democrat Party the media appears completely uninterested in the real world issues that have a direct influence on the lives of our children But when you scratch the surface you realize the media is complicit in more ways than simply turning a blind eye The attempt to normalize pedophilia has been playing out before our very eyes for years And who better to desensitize the masses than their favorite stars Oprah has been taking every opportunity to quietly and deceptively undermine traditional family values for years now According to Bill Maher a relationship between a thirty-something and a 12-year-old child is totally fine and society should stop being so uptight And obviously CNN takes every opportunity to slip in some pro-pedophilia content among the rest of the trash they peddle According to the network s Chief Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin who was suspended briefly for masturbating live on a Zoom call in 2020 pedophiles caught with child pornography should get lighter sentences these days because the internet made them do it You can t make this up We haven t even got to the head of the snake yet Hollywood is widely understood to be controlled by Satanic pedophiles Meet John Paul Rice He s an L A based film producer According to Rice the entertainment industry is run by elite pedophiles who traffic and sacrifice children for their own depraved pleasure Damning stuff If you want to live in a world that is safe for our children it s time to make a stand

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